2022Deficits in decision-making induced by parietal cortex inactivation are compensated at two timescalesJeurissen DShushruth SEl-Shamayleh YHorwitz GDShadlen MN2020Fast and Reversible Neural Inactivation in Macaque Cortex by Optogenetic Stimulation of GABAergic NeuronsDe AEl-Shamayleh YHorwitz GD2019Primate optogenetics: Progress and prognosisEl-Shamayleh YHorwitz GD2018Focal optogenetic suppression in macaque area MT biases direction discrimination and decision confidence, but only transientlyFetsch CROdean NNJeurissen DEl-Shamayleh YHorwitz GDShadlen MN2017Nonhuman primate optogenetics: Recent advances and future directionsGalvan AStauffer WRAcker LEl-Shamayleh YInoue KIOhayon SSchmid MCDynamic representation of partially occluded objects in primate prefrontal and visual cortexFyall AM El-Shamayleh YChoi HShea-Brown EPasupathy ASelective optogenetic control of Purkinje cells in monkey cerebellumEl-Shamayleh YKojima Y Soetedjo R Horwitz GDAAV-mediated delivery of optogenetic constructs to the macaque brain triggers humoral immune responsesMendoza SD*El-Shamayleh Y*Horwitz GD*Mendoza SD and El-Shamayleh Y contributed equally to this work2016Strategies for targeting primate neural circuits with viral vectorsEl-Shamayleh YNi AMHorwitz GDContour curvature as an invariant code for objects in visual area V4El-Shamayleh YPasupathy A2015Temporal and spatial limits of pattern motion sensitivity in macaque MT neuronsKumbhani RDEl-Shamayleh YMovshon JA2014The role of visual area V4 in the discrimination of partially occluded shapesKosai YEl-Shamayleh YFyall AMPasupathy A*Kosai Y and El-Shamayleh Y contributed equally to this work2013Visual response properties of V1 neurons projecting to V2 in macaqueEl-Shamayleh YKumbhani RDDhruv NTMovshon JA2011Neuronal responses to texture-defined form in macaque visual area V2El-Shamayleh YMovshon JA2010Development of sensitivity to visual texture modulation in macaque monkeysEl-Shamayleh YMovshon JAKiorpes LVisual motion processing by neurons in area MT of macaque monkeys with experimental amblyopiaEl-Shamayleh YKiorpes LKohn AMovshon JAFeatured Publicationedit publication{{ name }}. . . Abstract Citation No resultsThere are no publications with the provided filters.Sort Publications ByKeyword filter: {{ filter.label }}
Deficits in decision-making induced by parietal cortex inactivation are compensated at two timescalesJeurissen DShushruth SEl-Shamayleh YHorwitz GDShadlen MN
Fast and Reversible Neural Inactivation in Macaque Cortex by Optogenetic Stimulation of GABAergic NeuronsDe AEl-Shamayleh YHorwitz GD
Focal optogenetic suppression in macaque area MT biases direction discrimination and decision confidence, but only transientlyFetsch CROdean NNJeurissen DEl-Shamayleh YHorwitz GDShadlen MN
Nonhuman primate optogenetics: Recent advances and future directionsGalvan AStauffer WRAcker LEl-Shamayleh YInoue KIOhayon SSchmid MC
Dynamic representation of partially occluded objects in primate prefrontal and visual cortexFyall AM El-Shamayleh YChoi HShea-Brown EPasupathy A
Selective optogenetic control of Purkinje cells in monkey cerebellumEl-Shamayleh YKojima Y Soetedjo R Horwitz GD
AAV-mediated delivery of optogenetic constructs to the macaque brain triggers humoral immune responsesMendoza SD*El-Shamayleh Y*Horwitz GD*Mendoza SD and El-Shamayleh Y contributed equally to this work
Temporal and spatial limits of pattern motion sensitivity in macaque MT neuronsKumbhani RDEl-Shamayleh YMovshon JA
The role of visual area V4 in the discrimination of partially occluded shapesKosai YEl-Shamayleh YFyall AMPasupathy A*Kosai Y and El-Shamayleh Y contributed equally to this work
Visual response properties of V1 neurons projecting to V2 in macaqueEl-Shamayleh YKumbhani RDDhruv NTMovshon JA
Development of sensitivity to visual texture modulation in macaque monkeysEl-Shamayleh YMovshon JAKiorpes L
Visual motion processing by neurons in area MT of macaque monkeys with experimental amblyopiaEl-Shamayleh YKiorpes LKohn AMovshon JA